Thursday, October 11, 2012

Food & Drink | Unemployed Irish blokes turning to chocolate

We often associate chocolaty comfort eating with women but new data suggests that men are turning to chocolate, especially if they're out of work.

Have you noticed yourself reaching out for a second chocolate bar while standing at the counter of your local corner shop? If so, you?re not alone. That?s because there has been a 10.5 per cent rise in the number of men buying chocolate over the past year, compared to just a 4.5 per cent rise for women according to Kantar Worldpanel data.

So what has us dying for an extra Yorkie or a Kit-Kat Chunky? Well, Dr Siri Harrison of the City Psychology Group said, ?We may be seeing a shift in the trend.

?Traditional male jobs are being lost, unemployment rates are soaring and those that remain employed fear redundancy. These issues are placing pressure on men and they may seek comfort through the age-old tradition of self-medicating with sugar.?

With the country in the state its in you can?t blame a guy for wanting a little sugar rush from time to time, can you? It has got us thinking though, what is the favourite chocolate bar of the Irish man? And what chocolate bar would you bring back from the dead if you could? Let us know below.


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