Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mesothelioma asbestosis is due to the continuous inhalation of ...

Asbestos fibers are responsible for various deadly diseases such as lung cancer, mesothelioma asbestosis and pleural plaques. Several researches have shown that inhalation or ingestion of such fibrous substance can damage the lungs and can lead to the development of cancer over a period of time.Whenever some irritating substance is inhaled by a human body, mucus is produced within the body that surrounds that irritant and it is further expelled from the body through cough. Another way to rid the human body of such irritants is known as phagocytosis and it occurs in the human immune system.

The fibers that remain within the body in the lungs cause scarring of its inner tissues. Such irritants can lead to much deeper complications over an extended period of time developing into serious diseases like lung cancer.?These fibers which ultimately reach the inner lining of human lungs start irritating and causing damage to the cells in the surrounding areas. Such fibers are surrounded by the calcium deposits forming the pleural plaques. This condition gradually worsens and finally develops into mesothelioma. When Asbestos Fibers are swallowed, mesothelioma starts developing in the abdominal lining.

mesothelioma asbestosis

mesothelioma asbestosis

Many medical professionals now believe that mesothelioma cancer occurs due to the continuous inhalation of harmful fibrous substances into our lungs. Almost all cases of mesothelioma cancer have happened in the workers who were exposed to abnormally high asbestos levels while at work.On the other hand, the asbestosis from asbestos fibers is not cancerous disease and grows gradually over an extended period of ten to thirty years. When such fibrous material is trapped within our lungs, our body generates acid for eradicating such fibers. The inner tissues of the lungs can get scarred due to the continuous production of such acid and a stage may reach when they can stop working in a proper way. This may cause serious breathing problems.

Source: http://www.mesotheliomai.com/mesothelioma-asbestosis-is-due-to-the-continuous-inhalation-of-harmful-substances/

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