Friday, July 27, 2012

HTC Facebook phone may hit in 'mid-2013': Bloomberg

4 hrs.

One tech industry rumor so persistent there's no way it's totally NOT true is that there's a Facebook phone in the works, and that HTC is developing it. According to a?Bloomberg report on Wednesday, the due date for this unconfirmed phone is now "mid-2013."

"BREAKING: Facebook is said to work with HTC on a mobile phone for mid-2013," read the message from the Bloomberg West video team ? fittingly served up on Facebook. A similar post hit Twitter at the same time, along with?a video containing more details.?

"Sources with knowledge of the matter say the companies had intended to release the device as early as at the end of this year, but pushed back the timetable to give HTC more time to work on other products," said anchorperson Emily Chang, who then interviewed tech reporter Tom Giles about the scoop.

Giles didn't have a lot more to say on the subject of the new phone, however. Instead, he discussed mobile software developers from Apple who have gone over to Facebook to work on improving the Facebook iPhone app (infamously held in low regard by many).

Giles didn't connect the Apple folks to the Facebook phone project.?He did suggest that, like previous reports, the Facebook phone's OS would likely be Android, but deeply redesigned to suit Facebook's needs.?

This Android-based approach is similar to the way Amazon redesigned Android for its Kindle Fire tablet ? and what Amazon very well may be doing for its own rumored smartphone.

HTC, who we've reached out to, is currently mum on the subject, and Facebook is sharing with reporters a version of the tune it's been singing for ages. It currently goes, "Our mobile strategy is simple: We think every mobile device is better if it is deeply social. We?re working across the entire mobile industry; with operators, hardware manufacturers, OS providers, and application developers to bring powerful social experiences to more people around the world."

(A couple of years back, it was, "...?with operators, hardware manufacturers and app developers to bring Facebook to mobile phones in a variety of unique and exciting ways.")

Either way you slice it, two things are true:?

1) Facebook needs to figure out this mobile thing.?

2) Figuring out this mobile thing is really hard.

Facebook's tightest ally may be Apple, especially now that there's deep Facebook integration on Macs (with OS X Mountain Lion) and on iPads and iPhones that upgrade to iOS 6 this fall. But while Facebook use via iPhone may surge with the features, Facebook doesn't make money directly from that interaction, since the social network can't exactly serve up ads inside of Apple's own system interface.

The minute a Facebook phone is unleashed, Facebook's best bud will become its fiercest competitor. This is almost the definition of a catch-22.

So what's the real reason for the delay? "To give HTC more time to work on other products," like Bloomberg said? HTC has been struggling a bit, so it is possible that it needs to regain momentum in the mainstream Android market. But that's also a good argument for HTC to rush to get a Facebook phone in the market. It could be Facebook who is delaying, trying to get its strategy in order before it makes an irrevocable move, straight into Apple's crosshairs.

??via CNET


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Landscaping, if correctly organized, effectively carried out and appropriately financed will enhance the comfort, increase the visual appeal and boost the valuation on your house. This website ?pictures and ideas for front and back yard landscaping? has been prepared as a service to home owners who need landscaping ideas for front yard and backyard and also intend to make the outside of their residences as beautiful and as comfy as the interiors. The information found on ?pictures and ideas for front and back yard landscaping? will benefit you and your home! We are here to help you get the information and insight on how to implement landscaping ideas for front yard and backyard to make your home your personal paradise.

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When you purchase a new residence or choose to enhance your older one, you?re, obviously, concerned with each and every foot of ground that goes with it, for modern living and modern day gardening could make each and every inch of your home useful and attractive. New strategies of garden soil enhancement, grading, fencing and terracing make even sloping, hilly lots, previously undesirable, now appealing and choice. Modern day chemistry has introduced new nutrients to your garden soil and has now supplied weapons resistant to the traditional adversaries of the garden: disease and pesky insects. Hardier bulbs and plant seeds make landscapes more productive in addition to incredibly vibrant. Incredible hybrids have extended the list of flowering trees and shrubs, producing specimens for each and every coloring and design plan, every kind of home and garden. All these choices are great for landscaping ideas for front yard and backyard.

New gardening tools and supplies speed the time-consuming backyard and front yard landscaping garden duties. New ideas and methods for living deliver us to the outdoors, and bbq dinners and comfortable lawn furnishings make a small suburban backyard and front yard as luxuriously satisfying as was once possible only with a huge property. Architecturally, today?s home might be more a part of the great outdoors than was yesterday?s. Huge picture home windows, glass walls, glassed-in sun patios and balconies all combine in making your garden an element of your house. As a result, the scene will become that much more valuable. A good looking garden, a luxuriant lawn and healthful flourishing trees and shrubs all bring just as much towards the inside of your house as your drapes and window treatments or wallpaper. The time and effort spent with your lawns and landscaping will pay off in each and every way, indoors in addition to outdoors. Landscaping ideas for front yard and backyard that come to fruition will enhance your home and the value as well.

Need help with landscaping ideas for front yard?

Whenever you plan your grounds you?ll be influenced by a lot of the concepts you utilize in decorating your house. Proportion, texture, coloring, line, tranquility, functionality -these are terms that pertain to landscaping in addition to designing. And for those who have large grounds, you?ll reap the benefits of meticulous planning just as considerably as does the owner of one third of acre. Garden books are full of conventional ideas for excellent back yard and front yard landscaping, but you?ll want to take into account not the most perfect garden alone, however the one strategy that?ll be ideal for your particular household. Evaluate your family, its requirements and routines; then style and design your grounds to best fulfill its prejudices, wishes and requirements.

The thing to do is hold a family council and talk over what you want to do. Of course, you will be governed by questions of cost and available space. Draw a plan of out of landscaping ideas for front yard and landscaping ideas for backyards. Unless you are fortunate and have spacious grounds, you probably won?t be able to work everything into your program ? but with planning, you can build a dream yard gradually through your front yard landscaping ideas.

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Drew Ramsey, M.D.: Eat For Happiness: 5 Rules

In my practice of psychiatric medicine, I spend every day treating patients so that their master mood regulator -- the brain -- will get more of what it needs to be strong, healthy, and happy.

But when I meet new patients, I know that the way most of them eat -- the typical American diet of sugars, refined carbohydrates and industrial vegetable fats -- does no favors for their mental health. The nation's epidemic levels of obesity and diabetes have received plenty of news coverage, but rates of brain disorders like depression and dementia are also skyrocketing, and the American diet is partly to blame.

Why? Because so many of the nutrients that the human brain relies upon for its growth, healing and healthy functioning have been stripped from the food supply by modern food processing and factory farming. As a result, we as a nation are overfed and undernourished. We're also being poisoned. Preservatives, pesticides and plastic packaging have introduced a slew of new chemicals into our systems, which pose additional threats to our brain functions.

Emerging research in the fields of neuroscience and nutrition show that people who eat a diet of modern processed foods have increased levels of depression, anxiety, mood swings, hyperactivity, and a wide variety of other mental and emotional problems. One study found that adolescents with low-quality junk food diets are 79 percent more likely to suffer from depression. Another found that diets high in trans fats found in processed foods raised the risk of depression by 42 percent among adults over the course of approximately six years. And a huge study of women's diets by the Harvard School of Public health concluded that those whose diets contained the greatest number of healthy omega-3 fats (and the lowest levels of unhealthy omega-6s) were significantly less likely to suffer from depression.

So what to do? Extreme diet recommendations these days run the gamut from veganism to low-fat to low-carb. Without even debating their individual merits, they all share the common problem that they are very restrictive and very hard to stick to. As a physician, I know all too well that strict regimens of any kind are almost always doomed to failure and then often leave people feeling worse off than before. That's why the best prescriptions are often those that are simple and easiest to follow. With that thought in mind, here are the five basic rules I give to patients, friends, and family who want to simplify their choices at mealtime and maximize their brain health.

1. Skip the processed foods.

Processed foods are filled with empty calories, which is why so many people who count calories for weight loss end up with nutritional deficiencies that affect their energy levels, moods and thought processes. Brain-healthy nutrients are found in whole foods such as seafood (vitamin B-12, omega-3 fats), leafy greens and lentils (folates and magnesium), whole grains and nuts (certain forms of vitamin E that protect brain fat), and tomatoes and sweet potatoes (top sources of lycopene and other carotenoids, fat soluble antioxidants that decrease inflammation). Once you start eating a plant-based diet of nutrient-dense, whole foods, your moods will level out, your blood sugar will stop spiking and crashing, and your thinking will get clearer. You will see that food is much more than just fuel for your day.

2. Go organic.

Many insecticides and pesticides are neurotoxins, and although some claim the science isn't settled about their health risks, remember that the same was said about cigarettes for decades before their dangers were officially recognized. Organic food usually costs a little more, so it's smart to start by switching to organic apples, celery, peaches and other produce that normally rank highest in contaminants. For a full list, check out the Environmental Working Group's "dirty dozen." Availability also used to be a problem with organics, but no more. Supermarkets are steadily increasing their organic offerings, and the spread of farmers markets around the U.S. has added further reach for the movement.

3. Don't fear fats.

Trans fats still found in many packaged baked goods are among the unhealthiest substances around, which is another good reason to stay away from processed foods. But the omega-3 fats DHA and EPA, which are found in whole foods like fish, butter, yogurt and full-fat milk, are great for your brain. One researcher calls them "nutritional armor." Studies show that these two fats help protect your brain against mood disorders, while low levels of DHA have been associated with increased risk of suicide. And these fats don't make you fat! In fact, foods with healthy fats help you feel satiated, so you end up eating less.

4. Mind your meat.

Meat is brain food. Along with other animal products like seafood, eggs and dairy, the right meat is a protein-rich source of omega-3 fats DHA and EPA and another fat, CLA, which is associated with fighting cancer and reducing levels of deadly abdominal fat. A plant-based diet is essential for brain health, but a diet completely free of animal products has its own problems. It forces one to take nutritional supplements, which are expensive and aren't always absorbed sufficiently in the body. Deficiencies of vitamin B12 are particularly common among those who adhere to a vegan diet, which puts some at risk of irreversible brain and nerve damage. Not all meat is created equal, though. "Grass-fed" or "pasture-raised" beef and chicken have more beneficial nutrients in them and are free antibiotics and harmful hormones fed to factory farmed animals. Eggs that are "farm fresh" have higher nutritional value because they were laid by hens with a healthier natural diet.

5. Make friends with farmers.

Shopping at your local farmers market can give you added motivation to stay away from a pre-packaged processed-food diet. Getting to know the people who grow your food also offers you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what you're eating. Even in Manhattan, where I live, I've learned from my egg farmer how he improves the nutritional quality of his eggs by feeding the hens organic greens, which he calls "chicken candy." I've also gotten a tutorial in mood-enhancing nutrients found in purple beans and miniature Italian eggplants. (see photo). The goal is not to become a food snob, but to make that vital connection between your fork and your feelings and choose foods that support your emotional well-being and enhance your sense of vitality. You can find local farmers easily at

On Friday, July 27, @HealthyLiving and @ColumbiaMedNews hosted a Twitter chat -- #foodandmood. Check out an archive here.

For more by Drew Ramsey, M.D., click here.

For more on mental health, click here.


Follow Drew Ramsey, M.D. on Twitter:

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Houston tops list of coolest U.S. cities

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Washington D.C may be the political center, New York is the financial hub and Los Angeles has its share of stars, but Houston is the capital of cool in the United States.

A new ranking by puts the Texas city, better known for oil, NASA and cowboys, at the top of its list of hip and trendy places to live, ahead of the Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.

"Houston enjoyed 2.6 percent job growth last year and nearly 50,000 Americans flocked there in response ? particularly young professionals. In fact, the median age of a Houston resident is a youthful 33," according to

Using data from Sperlings Best Places, ranked the cities by looking at entertainment options, the number of restaurants and bars, recreational, outdoor and cultural activities, cost of living, green spaces, and job opportunities.

It found the influx of young professionals in Houston has prompted an increase in restaurants, galleries and stylish housing, which along with a thriving theater and art scene make it an enviable place to live.

Dallas and Seattle were also high on the list, coming in fourth and fifth, while San Francisco and New York just squeezed into the top 10.

California and Texas tied with five cities each in the top 20.

The full list of cities can be found at:

(Reporting by Patricia Reaney; Editing by Christine Kearney and Steve Orlofsky)


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Life bitterly imitated art this week in the fate of the Russian bass-baritone Evgeny Nikitin, who was scheduled to sing the Dutchman on Wednesday in a high-profile new production of the opera that opened this year?s Bayreuth Festival.

Mr. Nikitin withdrew just a few days before the premiere, after a German television news segment featured video footage in which one of his many tattoos seemed to resemble a swastika. Other photos revealed other tattoos that were apparently Scandinavian runes that had been co-opted as SS symbols during World War II.

?I had them done in my youth,? Mr. Nikitin, 38, said of the tattoos in a statement released by the festival on Saturday. ?It was a big mistake, and I wish I?d never done it. I was not aware of the extent of the irritation and offense these signs and symbols would cause, particularly in Bayreuth given the context of the festival?s history.?

In more recent statements released through the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia, Mr. Nikitin, in a shift, said that the tattoo never depicted a swastika; the video footage, he said, captured an intermediate stage in the creation of the eight-pointed star that appears in current photos. And he now implied that it was done not in his rebellious youth but just a few years ago.

This strange, changeable story encompasses heavy-metal culture ? Mr. Nikitin was in a band in Russia ? and the charged deployment of Nazi imagery during the Soviet era. But while the details keep altering, their implications are profound for a festival that cannot and should not stop thinking about its past.

The incident comes at an important moment for Bayreuth, led since 2008 by two of Wagner?s great-granddaughters, Katharina Wagner and Eva Wagner-Pasquier. Next year is the 200th anniversary of the composer?s birth, the occasion for a new production of the ?Ring? cycle. The Villa Wahnfried, where the family lived and Hitler would regularly stay, is in the midst of major renovations before reopening in 2014: the past brought into the present once again.

It is easy to mock Mr. Nikitin?s original statement, to doubt that any adult could be unaware that a swastika would raise hackles at Bayreuth. The sensitivities here are real and reasonable. After all, everyone knows that Wagner himself was a virulent anti-Semite and later Hitler?s favorite composer, and that the festival, which opened in 1876, was closely allied with the Nazi Party before and during World War II.

From a distance it can sometimes seem that the festival itself is like the Dutchman, locked in a cruelly extended cycle of recriminations and guilt over the errors of an isolated period now nearly a century ago. But ?Silenced Voices,? a somber temporary exhibition on the verdant grounds in front of the Festival Theater that details the stories of the Jewish artists who performed at Bayreuth before the war, is a crushing reminder that the festival did not make a mere foray into Nazism.

Proto-Nazi ideals of racism, rabid nationalism and ethnic cleansing were at the core of Wagner?s conception of Bayreuth, a conception carried through with intense loyalty by his family after his death in 1883. To view ?Silenced Voices? and then look up at the proud, implacable Festival Theater is to feel only sadness and revulsion, to question whether these wounds can ? or should ? ever heal.

Nikolaus Bachler, the artistic head of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich, told a German newspaper that Mr. Nikitin had sufficiently apologized, adding, ?I have never heard the Wagner family regret anything in the last 50 years.?

That is untrue. It is a major gesture, and an improbable one not so many years ago, that the Wagner great-granddaughters scheduled the ?Silenced Voices? display, let alone gave it such a prominent location.

And after decades of trying to blanch the festival?s stains artistically by strenuously avoiding the past ? Wieland Wagner?s abstract designs after the war were intended to offer the greatest possible contrast to the Romantic realism of Bayreuth?s origins ? recent productions, including Katharina Wagner?s own version of ?Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg? in 2007, have explicitly dealt with its dark history. Stefan Herheim?s 2008 ?Parsifal? even recast the opera?s plot as the story of Bayreuth itself moving through time.


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Dorcas Lau Looks to Triple Unilever China's E-Commerce Sales

Dorcas Lau has her hands on plenty of research about online-shopping habits -- for example, she knows that 22% of white-collar female internet users in China do it every day.

But all she has to do is look around her office at Unilever to see the growing influence of e-commerce. "Every day we see our ayi [an older woman who handles light duties in Chinese offices] very busy not distributing business documents but distributing parcels delivered to our staff," said Ms. Lau, VP-digital marketing and e-commerce for North Asia.

Ms. Lau, a Hong Kong native, is a 20-year veteran of Unilever. She took on her current role last September when North Asia chief Alan Jope created the position for her. Before that, she was VP-marketing for foods in China.

Though e-commerce is a sliver of Unilever's overall revenue in China, the size and potential of the online market can't be ignored. The country has more than half a billion internet users, and industry observers say China's e-commerce market will become the largest in the world as early as next year. Consumers go online to buy everything from cars to butter. And cheap and speedy courier services can deliver items within hours of purchase.

Unilever has increased its spending on digital media in China 11-fold in the last four years, Ms. Lau said. Her role involves working with online partners -- digital agencies, search engines such as Baidu, portals such as Tencent and Sina or online retailers such as Yihaodian and 360Buy -- to drive innovation and information sharing.

"We make sure we link a lot of our digital activities to online sales, to ensure we can drive immediate conversion from the time consumers engage with our brand online," she said. "That's why I have this combined role, because we really want to drive the synergy of digital marketing and e-commerce."

That can be as simple as ensuring that shopping results are among the top links listed when searching for a Unilever brand, such as Dove, on Baidu. Digital moms entering queries such as "my son is not feeling well" or "my son is too skinny" are pointed to a Knorr recipe app. And consumers can blast dandruff with Clear shampoo in the "Dandruff Doomsday 2012" game on Tencent's ubiquitous QQ chat program.

Ms. Lau says her goal is to more than triple Unilever China's e-commerce sales this year.


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Friday, July 20, 2012

1x1 Roleplay

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a 1x1 sci-fi military scifi roleplay. Please respond or pm if you are.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Sprint confirms HTC EVO 4G LTE in white, battle of exclusive phone colors rages on

HTC EVO 4G LTE white leak

Not to be outdone by that red Galaxy S III over at AT&T, Sprint has confirmed that its inadvertent ad posting wasn't just a fluke: it's bringing out a white version of the EVO 4G LTE. Strictly speaking, it's more of a aluminum-with-white-accents trim, but we'll let that slide given that the back and kickstand are now decidedly less smudge-prone. The white EVO will cost as much as that Galaxy S III variant (and the black EVO) at $200 on a contract. Sprint will start selling the white hue on July 15th -- and unlike AT&T, it should have phones on shelves rather than leave customers to online window shopping.

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Sprint confirms HTC EVO 4G LTE in white, battle of exclusive phone colors rages on originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 12 Jul 2012 12:27:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Republican Senate Stragglers

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of President Obama?s health care law, conservatives are paying close attention to the composition of the Senate, knowing that their last chance to overturn the law is with a Republican president and a Senate majority.

But looking at the Senate landscape, the odds of Republicans taking back the upper chamber are no better than 50-50, even with more Democratic seats in play, a favorable political environment, and an energized GOP base.?It?s not the often-maligned Mitt Romney campaign that?s going to drag down the ticket; it?s several of the candidates themselves.

Indeed, in many key states where Romney is favored or running competitively, the Republican Party is saddled with candidates who have underwhelmed on the campaign trail. In Florida and Ohio, where the president?s numbers are mediocre and Democratic senators are vulnerable, Republicans could miss out on golden opportunities. ?In Michigan and Pennsylvania, two states looking increasingly winnable for Romney, the Republican Senate challengers have been unable to exploit their opponents? vulnerabilities. Even in conservative North Dakota, the party backed a Republican member of Congress with enough baggage to make the race surprisingly competitive against a well-liked, well-known former Democratic state attorney general.

To be sure, Republicans have some solid Senate candidates. The party recruited several standouts, like former New Mexico Rep. Heather Wilson and former Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle, who have put Democratic-leaning states in play. And Democrats face several of their own recruiting fumbles, including Nevada Rep. Shelley Berkley, who is now being investigated by the House Ethics Committee over whether she advanced legislation to benefit her husband?s business. But if Republicans fail to take the Senate, it?s going to be because of the glaring missed opportunities in the perennial battlegrounds and Republican-leaning states. If 2010 was the year the tea party cost the GOP several winnable seats, then 2012 could be the year Republicans' own candidates cost them control of the Senate.

Compare this cycle?s recruits with their counterparts from the 2010 freshman Senate class, which includes three vice presidential prospects for Romney -- Rob Portman of Ohio, Marco Rubio of Florida, and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire -- plus Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and John Hoeven of North Dakota. Much attention focused on the weak tea party-aligned candidates who lost last year, like Christine O?Donnell in Delaware and Sharron Angle in Nevada. But overall, the National Republican Senatorial Committee recruited a strong and deep roster of candidates in the last cycle.

This year, the corresponding group of candidates is Josh Mandel, Rep. Connie Mack IV, Rep. Rick Berg, and Tom Smith, whose resumes pale compared to their 2010 counterparts.

Mandel, the Republican standard-bearer in Ohio, is an example of a candidate whose promise hasn?t matched his performance. Party officials recruited the highly-touted state treasurer and encouraged him to enter the race very early so he could raise as much money as possible to keep financial pace with Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown?s flush campaign account. In hindsight, Mandel?s decision to jump in before he was politically ready was a significant miscalculation.?

Despite filing papers to become a Senate candidate back in June 2011, Mandel studiously avoided the press during his exploratory phase, and ended up alienating many of the reporters assigned to cover him. He?s gotten relentlessly bad press as a 31-year-old newbie who neglected his duties as treasurer to run for the Senate, and his campaign team has been flat-footed in handling damage control.

When Mandel took an unannounced trip to the Bahamas in March to raise money from payday lenders, the speech earned him a slew of bad headlines and gave Brown fodder for future campaign ads. With millions of dollars of super PAC money being spent on the race already, the relentless fundraising pace was probably unnecessary, and it came at the expense of a bunch of negative headlines back home. The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Mandel losing ground to Brown, and his unfavorables going up.? If Romney carries the battleground state but Mandel falls short, it will be a serious missed opportunity for Republicans.

Florida is another state that is looking promising for Romney but challenging for Senate Republicans. The expected nominee is Mack, whose campaign has gotten off to a shaky start.? He has struggled to win over the conservative rank-and-file, and has been openly criticized by the Florida GOP consultant class. His fundraising is are weak and not expected to improve with the release of his second-quarter numbers this month.

Florida Republican insiders argue that the political environment is so tough for Democrats that Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson should be almost as vulnerable as Claire McCaskill in Missouri and Jon Tester in Montana. Even as polling shows Nelson running slightly ahead of Mack, the pessimism in GOP circles about the challenger?s campaign is palpable.?

Meanwhile, in North Dakota, a contest once viewed as a shoo-in now looks like a surprisingly competitive race between Berg and former state Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp.? The latest independent poll from Mason Dixon, conducted in June, shows Heitkamp leading Berg, 47 percent to 46 percent, a result consistent with internal polling on both sides. Crossroads GPS has spent nearly $1 million to bolster Berg?s campaign in a race it hadn?t expected to focus on.?

Republicans credit the closeness of the contest to Heitkamp?s personal likability and are optimistic that Berg will ultimately prevail once voters learn more about her views. But North Dakota is a famously close-knit state where voters know their representatives well and support their preferred candidate over straight-ticket voting. For many years, until 2008, the state boasted an all-Democratic congressional delegation even as it handily supported Republicans at the presidential level.

Like Mandel, Berg has taken heat for angling for a promotion so quickly after winning the House seat. His unfavorable ratings are unusually high for a first-term representative, in part because he?s had trouble connecting with voters ? a ?grocery-store problem,? as one Democratic strategist working on the race put it. ?His support of the budget proposal from Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin could hurt him in a state with one of the highest concentration of senior citizens in the country.? All told, the race is closer than anyone expected it to be.

Finally, Michigan and Pennsylvania were never considered first-tier opportunities for the GOP, but if there was a year to defeat Democratic Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Bob Casey, this would be it. Both are saddled with politically unpopular votes on health care and energy policy, and both states are chock full of white, blue-collar voters disillusioned with President Obama.?Romney could win both states. But Stabenow and Casey remain in solid shape, thanks to their opponents? lackluster campaigns.

In Michigan, former Rep. Pete Hoekstra kicked off his campaign on a down note, airing a Super Bowl ad attacking Stabenow on spending that was widely panned for being racially insensitive ? and his campaign has struggled to regain its footing since. A June EPIC/MRA poll showed Obama and Romney in a dead heat, but with Stabenow leading Hoekstra by 12 percentage points, 49 percent to 37 percent. He also faces a competitive primary against Clark Durant, who has a fighting chance at an upset, and could make a better general election candidate.

In Pennsylvania, Casey still holds solid favorable ratings, but the political terrain seems welcoming for a credible GOP challenger who could exploit Obama?s weaknesses.?The party?s nominee, Tom Smith, has the ability to self-finance to the tune of millions of dollars but has done little advertising, and he doesn?t have the political skill set that, say, a Rep. Pat Meehan would bring to the table.

Even with these limitations, Republicans still have even odds to retake control because Democrats are defending more seats, with many races taking place in conservative states. The GOP is favored to pick up seats in Nebraska and Missouri, and has advantages in Montana and North Dakota, thanks to the states? Republican leanings. There are a sufficient number of open-seat races to tip the balance in Rdpublicans' favor. That could be all that?s necessary to win a Senate majority if Romney wins and the party manages to hold onto nearly all of its own seats. But it?s an awfully narrow margin for error, which could have been prevented with a few good candidates to run against vulnerable Democratic senators.


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Visualizing Texas' Job Dominance Since Before The Recession (Willisms)

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PSA: Verizon's Samsung Galaxy S III finally arriving in stores today

PSA Verizon's Samsung Galaxy S III finally arriving in stores today

Despite some lucky folks claiming they'd received their GS3 order a bit earlier than expected (and others still patiently waiting for delivery), a good chunk of Big Red customers were eagerly looking forward to this past Tuesday, only to be brought down by an unexpected delay. Thankfully for them, though, it looks like today's the day the Verizon faithful can finally snag one of Samsung's chart-busting Galaxy S IIIs. As you may or may not know, the network's offering both the Marble White and Pebble Blue flavors of the device, with the 16GB running at $200 and the spacier 32GB selling for $250 -- naturally, this will require a fresh two-year deal. If all that sounds good, then head over to your nearest retail store to get in on the human-centric experience -- or you could always take the easier route and snatch one up straight from Verizon's site.

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PSA: Verizon's Samsung Galaxy S III finally arriving in stores today originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 12 Jul 2012 15:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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4 questions for JPMorgan during Friday report

NEW YORK (AP) ? JPMorgan Chase and its CEO, Jamie Dimon, have some explaining to do.

The bank's top executives will spend two hours answering questions from financial analysts on Friday ? twice as long as usual ? when the bank reports its quarterly earnings.

At the top of the agenda: An update on the surprise $2 billion loss in one of JPMorgan's units. Investors have shaved 15 percent off the company's stock price since the loss was announced May 10.

The disclosure has triggered investigations by government agencies and hearings in Congress. Dimon has apologized repeatedly and has said the bank was trying to hedge against financial risk, not trade for its own profit.

Here are four key questions for Dimon and the bank on Friday.

1. Just how big is the loss?

Dimon warned from the start that the loss could grow, but no one is sure how much. Published reports have suggested it could be as high as $9 billion. The loss came from an ill-timed bet using complex financial instruments called derivatives. Their value probably fell sharply because there were few buyers left in the market.

2. What about clawbacks: Who and how much?

Dimon told Congress in June that top executives responsible for the loss could have their pay taken back by the company, a process known as a clawback. Under bank policy, stock grants and bonuses can be recovered from executives, even for exercising bad judgment, but JPMorgan has never exercised the right. Among the most likely candidates would be Ina Drew, JPMorgan's chief investment officer, who oversaw the division responsible for the loss and left the bank days after the disclosure.

3. How will Dimon handle himself?

Dimon is blunt and assertive. He's been contrite with shareholders, calling the mistake "egregious and self-inflicted," and has apologized in front of the Senate. But Dimon doesn't back down when he's pushed. At one hearing, when Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., asked Dimon whether JPMorgan losses could hypothetically top half a trillion dollars, Dimon replied: "Not unless the Earth is hit by the moon." It's highly unlikely analysts would go that far because Dimon has a reputation of skewering anyone who goes too far out of line.

4. What's the impact on JPMorgan's profits?

On the day Dimon disclosed the trading loss, he said JPMorgan was still expected to report a profit of about $4 billion for the second quarter. Analysts now expect JPMorgan to earn $3.2 billion, according to estimates provided by FactSet, a financial data service. Analysts have lowered profit forecasts for JPMorgan both because of the trading loss and because of challenging conditions for banks, including few corporate deals and economic concerns.

Associated Press


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Fossil egg discovered in Lleida (Spain) links dinosaurs to modern birds

Fossil egg discovered in Lleida (Spain) links dinosaurs to modern birds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 12-Jul-2012
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Contact: Enric Vicens
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

It is the only dinosaur egg in the world to have an oval shape, similar to that of chicken eggs

Before her death in December 2010, Nieves Lpez Martnez, palaeontologist of the Complutense University of Madrid, was working on the research of dinosaur eggs with a very peculiar characteristic: an ovoid, asymmetrical shape. Together with Enric Vicens, palaeontologist of the Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, the two scientists conducted an exhaustive analysis of their discovery, recently published in the journal Palaeontology.

The new type of dinosaur egg has been given the scientific name of Sankofa pyrenaica. The eggs were discovered in the Montsec area of Lleida, in two sites located on either side of the Terradets pass.

The South Pyrenean area is rich in dinosaur egg sites, most of which correspond to sauropod eggs from the upper Cretaceous, dating back more than 70 million years ago. During that period, the area was a coastal area full of beaches and deltas which won land from the sea through sediment accumulation. Sand and mud from that period gave way, millions of years later, to the sandstone and marl where dinosaur remains now can be found. On the beach ridges and flat coastal lands is where a large group of dinosaurs laid their eggs.

The sites where the discoveries were made correspond to the upper Cretaceous, between the Campanian and Maastrichtian periods, some 70 to 83 million years ago. The fossils found belong to small eggs measuring some 7 centimetres tall and 4 cm wide, while the eggshell was on average 0.27mm thick. Most of the eggs found were broken in small fragments, but scientists also discovered more or less complete eggs, which can be easily studied in sections. The eggs found at the sites all belong to the same species. The main difference when compared to other eggs from the same period is their asymmetrical shape, similar to that of chicken eggs. The more complete samples clearly show an oval form rarely seen in eggs from the upper Cretaceous period and similar to modern day eggs.

Their shape is a unique characteristic of theropod eggs from the upper Cretaceous period and suggests a connection with bird eggs. Non avian dinosaur eggs are symmetrical and elongated. Asymmetry in bird eggs is associated to the physiology of birds: they take on this shape given the existence of only one oviduct which can form only one egg at a time. In this case the isthmus, the region in the oviduct creating the eggshell membrane, is what gives the egg its asymmetrical shape. Thanks to this shape, the wider end contains a bag of air which allows the bird to breathe in the last stages of its development. This evolutionary step was still relatively underdeveloped in dinosaurs.

Thus, the egg discovered by UCM and UAB researchers in certain manners represents the missing link between dinosaurs and birds. Only one other egg, discovered in Argentina and corresponding to a primitive bird from the same period, has similar characteristics. The discover represents proof in favour of the hypothesis that non avian theropods, the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period, and birds could have had a common ancestor.


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Fossil egg discovered in Lleida (Spain) links dinosaurs to modern birds [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 12-Jul-2012
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Contact: Enric Vicens
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

It is the only dinosaur egg in the world to have an oval shape, similar to that of chicken eggs

Before her death in December 2010, Nieves Lpez Martnez, palaeontologist of the Complutense University of Madrid, was working on the research of dinosaur eggs with a very peculiar characteristic: an ovoid, asymmetrical shape. Together with Enric Vicens, palaeontologist of the Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, the two scientists conducted an exhaustive analysis of their discovery, recently published in the journal Palaeontology.

The new type of dinosaur egg has been given the scientific name of Sankofa pyrenaica. The eggs were discovered in the Montsec area of Lleida, in two sites located on either side of the Terradets pass.

The South Pyrenean area is rich in dinosaur egg sites, most of which correspond to sauropod eggs from the upper Cretaceous, dating back more than 70 million years ago. During that period, the area was a coastal area full of beaches and deltas which won land from the sea through sediment accumulation. Sand and mud from that period gave way, millions of years later, to the sandstone and marl where dinosaur remains now can be found. On the beach ridges and flat coastal lands is where a large group of dinosaurs laid their eggs.

The sites where the discoveries were made correspond to the upper Cretaceous, between the Campanian and Maastrichtian periods, some 70 to 83 million years ago. The fossils found belong to small eggs measuring some 7 centimetres tall and 4 cm wide, while the eggshell was on average 0.27mm thick. Most of the eggs found were broken in small fragments, but scientists also discovered more or less complete eggs, which can be easily studied in sections. The eggs found at the sites all belong to the same species. The main difference when compared to other eggs from the same period is their asymmetrical shape, similar to that of chicken eggs. The more complete samples clearly show an oval form rarely seen in eggs from the upper Cretaceous period and similar to modern day eggs.

Their shape is a unique characteristic of theropod eggs from the upper Cretaceous period and suggests a connection with bird eggs. Non avian dinosaur eggs are symmetrical and elongated. Asymmetry in bird eggs is associated to the physiology of birds: they take on this shape given the existence of only one oviduct which can form only one egg at a time. In this case the isthmus, the region in the oviduct creating the eggshell membrane, is what gives the egg its asymmetrical shape. Thanks to this shape, the wider end contains a bag of air which allows the bird to breathe in the last stages of its development. This evolutionary step was still relatively underdeveloped in dinosaurs.

Thus, the egg discovered by UCM and UAB researchers in certain manners represents the missing link between dinosaurs and birds. Only one other egg, discovered in Argentina and corresponding to a primitive bird from the same period, has similar characteristics. The discover represents proof in favour of the hypothesis that non avian theropods, the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period, and birds could have had a common ancestor.


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Cash-for-kidneys trader gets 2-1/2 years in prison

Mel Evans / AP

Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, a 61-year old Israeli citizen who lived in Brooklyn who pleaded guilty last October to charges that he brokered kidney transplants between paid donors and recipients, was sentenced to 2-1/2 years in prison.

By staff and news services

NEW YORK -- An Israeli man who pleaded guilty to illegally brokering kidney transplants for profit in the United States, the first such conviction under federal law, was sentenced on Wednesday to two-and-a-half years in prison, prosecutors said.

Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, a 61-year old Israeli citizen who lived in Brooklyn, pleaded guilty last October to charges that he brokered kidney transplants between paid donors and recipients on three occasions.

Prosecutors said Rosenbaum charged between $120,000 and $150,000 to help three New Jersey residents find kidneys for transplant between 2006 and 2009.

He also pleaded to a count of conspiracy to broker a fourth kidney transaction following a sting operation leading to his arrest involving an undercover FBI agent who pretended to have a sick uncle.

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Prosecutors said Rosenbaum typically found donors in Israel through newspaper advertisements who were willing to give up a kidney in exchange for payment, and that he helped arrange the necessary blood tests to ensure a match and for the donors' travel to the United States.

As part of his service, he also helped donors and recipients invent a cover story to trick hospital staff into thinking the donation was a purely altruistic exchange between friends or relatives, which is legal, rather than an illegal business deal, according to prosecutors.

At least one relative of a kidney recipient spoke in defense of Rosenbaum at the hearing at the U.S. District Court in Trenton, New Jersey, on Wednesday, saying he was a hero who helped save her father's life, local media reported.

"My father was dying, and the system was failing us," Brooklyn resident Beckie Cohen said of her father's five-year wait on a kidney transplant list, according to New Jersey's Star-Ledger newspaper.

Nevertheless, one of the donors, who agreed to cooperate with the government's case in exchange for immunity from prosecution, described to the court that he felt exploited by Rosenbaum.

Facebook is now fueling organ donations?

Elahn Quick, who agreed to have his kidney removed for $25,000, said he was having second thoughts as he lay on the hospital bed and raised it with his "caretaker," identified as a Rosenbaum associate named Ido. Quick described how the caretaker reassured him but before anything could be done to cancel or delay the surgery, he slipped out of consciousness.

"He was holding my hand, and he said it was not too late, but before I finished the conversation, I was gone," Quick said according to the Star-Ledger. He awoke hours later, after the surgery, to a nurse shaking him. The caretaker had disappeared, he said.

'Right into his pocket'
U.S. District Judge Anne Thompson also ordered Rosenbaum to forfeit $420,000 that he made during his time trading kidneys for cash in Brooklyn.

According to the paper, Thompson said that based on multiple letters she received on Rosenbaum's behalf, she believed he was a charitable person before he got "caught up" in the illegal business.

"This is a difficult case; it is not a prototype," she said in court before handing out the sentence, which could have been as high as 20 years, the Star-Ledger reported.

Rosenbaum's sentence also includes a $5,000 fine.

A kindergarten teacher in Texas has donated her kidney to the father of one of her students. KXAS-TV's Sara Story reports.

Paul J. Fishman, the New Jersey U.S. Attorney, whose office prosecuted the case, said Rosenbaum was motivated by profit, not the saving of lives.

"A black market where the moneyed sick can buy replacement parts from the less fortunate is not only grim, it apportions lifesaving treatments unfairly, insults donor dignity, and violates the law," Fishman said in a statement following the sentencing by Judge Thompson.

"Prison is an appropriate punishment for Levy Rosenbaum's illegal capitalization on others' desperation. Although Rosenbaum painted himself as a benevolent kidney matchmaker, the criminal profits went right into his pocket."

Rosenbaum's lawyers could not immediately be reached for comment. Rosenbaum had been facing up to five years in prison for each of the four counts to which he pleaded guilty, prosecutors said.

Rosenbaum is due to begin his sentence on October 12. As he is not a U.S. citizen, immigration authorities will decide whether to attempt to deport him once he has finished his sentence. staff and Reuters contributed to this report.

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Exome sequencing of health condition extremes can reveal susceptibility genes

ScienceDaily (July 8, 2012) ? Comparing the DNA from patients at the best and worst extremes of a health condition can reveal genes for resistance and susceptibility. This approach discovered rare variations in the DCTN4 gene among cystic fibrosis patients most prone to early, chronic airway infections.

The DCTN4 gene codes for dynactin 4. This protein is a component of a molecular motor that moves trouble-making microbes along a cellular conveyer belt into miniscule chemical vats, called lysosomes, for annihilation.

This study, led by the University of Washington, is part of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute GO Exome Sequencing Project and its Lung GO, both major National Institutes of Health chronic disease research efforts.

Similar "testing the extremes" strategies may have important applications in uncovering genetic factors behind other more common, traits, such as healthy and unhealthy hearts.

The results of the cystic fibrosis infection susceptibility study appear on July 8, in Nature Genetics. The infection in question was Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic soil bacterium that commonly infects the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis and other airway-clogging disorders. The bacteria can unite into a slithery, hard-to-treat biofilm that hampers breathing and harms lung tissue. Chronic infections are linked to poor lung function and shorter lives among cystic fibrosis patients. These bacteria rarely attack people with normal lungs and well-functioning immune systems.

In the study, these rare variations in DCTN4 did not appear in any of the cystic fibrosis patients who were the most resistant to Pseudomonas infection. The study subjects most susceptible to early, chronic infection had at least one DCTN4 missense variant. A missense variant produces a protein that likely can't function properly.

The lead author of the report published July 8 in Nature Genetics is Dr. Mary J. Emond, research associate professor of biostatistics at the University of Washington School of Public Health in Seattle. The senior author is medical geneticist Dr. Michael Bamshad, UW professor of pediatrics in the Division of Genetic Medicine.

To the extent of their knowledge, the researchers think that this might be the first time that genetic variants underlying complex trait were discovered by sequencing all the protein-coding portions of the genomes of people at each extreme of a disease spectrum.

"We did not have a candidate gene in mind when we did this study," said Emond. Statistical analysis of the DNA of 91 patients led the research team to this particular gene. Of the initial study group, 43 children had their first onset of chronic lung infection with Pseudomonas as when they were very young, and the 48 oldest individuals had not yet reached a state of chronic infection. The patients selected for sequencing were from the Early Pseudomonas Infection Control (EPIC) Observational Study, a project at the Seattle Children's Research Institute, and the North American Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Modifiers Study. Exome sequencing was done by UW researchers in the laboratory of Deborah Nickerson, UW professor of genome sciences.

Comparisons of the protein coding portions of the study subjects' DNA called the researchers attention to missense variations of the DCTN4 gene. The researchers went on to screen a selected group of 1,322 other EPIC participants to check their findings.

Exome Sequencing Project scientists are using an approach similar to the one in this study to examine the genetics behind resistance and susceptibility to other chronic conditions like obesity, heart attacks and hypertension. They plumb for gene variations linked to heart disease, for example by putting DNA maps from people with ideal cholesterol levels up against those from people with exceptionally poor levels.

Adapting a similar strategy to determine the genetics underlying other complex human traits may require exome sequencing of a much larger sample sizes, the researchers noted.

"As the costs of exome sequencing are dropping rapidly and more efficient statistical analysis is becoming available, we think medical researchers' enthusiasm for this approach will continue," Bamshad predicted.

In addition to National Heart Lung and Blood Institute funding, the study released today was supported by grants from the National Human Genome Research Institute, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Life Sciences Discovery Fund.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Washington. The original article was written by Leila Gray.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Mary J Emond, Tin Louie, Julia Emerson, Wei Zhao, Rasika A Mathias, Michael R Knowles, Fred A Wright, Mark J Rieder, Holly K Tabor, Deborah A Nickerson, Kathleen C Barnes, Ronald L Gibson, Michael J Bamshad. Exome sequencing of extreme phenotypes identifies DCTN4 as a modifier of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis. Nature Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ng.2344

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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