Saturday, December 31, 2011

Survey: Facebook-related divorces on the rise

By Athima Chansanchai

A survey by a UK-based divorce website shows that Facebook figures prominently in one-third of divorce petitions, an increase of 13 percent from two years ago.

Of course, Divorce-Online is in the business of dealing and profiting from the breakup of marriages, so take the results as you will, but the blog post?describes how 5,000 petitions were reviewed recently, as in 2009, and 33 percent of them contained "Facebook."

The top three reasons Facebook was cited in these petitions:

  • Inappropriate messages to members of the opposite sex.
  • Separated spouses posting nasty comments about each other.
  • Facebook friends reporting spouse?s behavior.

So, not only are people using Facebook to hook up with lost loves and make new ones, but they're also using their virtual walls to wage public relations wars with their soon-to-be ex-spouses.

?Social networking has become the primary tool for communication and is taking over from text and email in my opinion," said Mark Keenan,?founder and CEO of Online Legal Services Limited, the parent company of Divorce-Online. "If someone wants to have an affair or flirt with the opposite sex then it's the easiest place to do it. Also the use of Facebook to make comments about ex-partners to friends has become extremely common with both sides using Facebook to vent their grievances against each other. People need to be careful what they write on their walls as the courts are seeing these posts being used in financial disputes and children cases as evidence.?

Live Poll

Did Facebook play a role in your divorce?

  • 172108

    YES. I blame Facebook for my spouse's wandering libido.


  • 172109

    YES. I blame Facebook for being the medium through which we warred on each other's walls and friends.


  • 172110

    NO. Our love died because of other reasons.


  • 172111

    NO. Twitter is the reason our marriage failed!


VoteTotal Votes: 763

In the U.S., Facebook has even more clout in divorce proceedings. In 2010, the 1,600-member?American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers?(which focuses on the end of matrimony, as it were)?cited a survey?that linked Facebook to one in five divorces, with 81 percent of those lawyers focusing on social media as the new affair hotbed. And the hottest of all was Facebook, with 66 percent of those AAML sources mentioning it specifically for evidence of marital discord and misconduct.

In September, a Connecticut judge ordered a divorcing couple to hand over each other's Facebook passwords to aid the discovering process in legal proceedings that included a custody battle.

Of course, on the other end of the spectrum are those who don't blame Facebook, as it is just the latest medium by which the unfaithful carry out their transgressions. People, they say, will always find a way to cheat. It's about establishing boundaries both spouses will respect. As an article on puts it, "It?s not fair to blame Facebook or Internet dating sites because they are just the vehicle ??not the driver."

Take our poll and let us know if and how Facebook figured in the dissolution of your marital happiness.

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Check out Technolog on?Facebook, and on Twitter, follow?Athima Chansanchai, who is also trying to keep her head above water in the?Google+?stream.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Egypt police raid U.S.-backed pro-democracy groups (Reuters)

CAIRO (Reuters) ? Egyptian prosecutors and police raided offices of 17 pro-democracy and human rights groups on Thursday - drawing criticism from the United States which hinted it could review its $1.3 billion in annual military aid.

The official MENA news agency said the groups had been searched in an investigation into foreign funding.

"The public prosecutor has searched 17 civil society organizations, local and foreign, as part of the foreign funding case," MENA cited the prosecutor's office as saying. "The search is based on evidence showing violation of Egyptian laws including not having permits."

Among groups targeted were the local offices of the U.S.-based International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI), a security source and employees at the organizations said.

The U.S. State Department said the raids were "inconsistent with the bilateral cooperation we have had over many years" and urged Egyptian authorities to immediately halt "harassment" of non-governmental organization staff.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland indicated to a news briefing that military aid could be difficult to push through Congress if the situation did not improve.

"We do have a number of new reporting and transparency requirements on funding to Egypt that we have to make to Congress," Nuland said. "The Egyptian government is well aware of that and it certainly needs to be aware of that in the context of how quickly this issue gets resolved."

Nuland said U.S. officials had been in touch with Egyptian Prime Minister Kamal al-Ganzouri and with Egypt's ambassador to Washington to underscore Washington's concern.

Germany's Foreign Ministry said it would summon Egypt's ambassador to Berlin on Friday after the raid targeted the German-based Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which is close to Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats.


Civil society groups, a driving force behind the protests that toppled President Hosni Mubarak in February, have become increasingly vocal in criticizing what they call the army's heavy-handed tactics in dealing with street unrest.

"This is a campaign the military council has launched to defame and stigmatize activists, rights groups and the various forces that have participated in the making of the January 25 revolution," said 27 civil society groups in a joint statement.

The groups added that such a campaign was "unprecedented even in the era of Mubarak and aimed to cover the failures of the military council in its management of the transitional period."

The ruling generals have pledged to stand aside by mid-2012 but many democracy activists say the military is keen to preserve its privileges and broad business interests.

One analyst said the crackdown on civil society groups was an attempt to stymie the protest movement.

"Civil society groups and the media are the two pillars of a successful revolution, because they are radical in their demands. The military council launches intermittent attacks to contain them," said analyst and researcher Yasser Abdel Aziz.

The U.S. State Department comments followed stinging criticism by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over the "systematic degradation" of women during protests in Cairo this month in which 17 people were killed.

Images of troops beating demonstrators as they lay on the ground brought thousands of Egyptians onto the streets in protest. The harsh treatment of women protesters attracted particular attention.

The National Democratic Institute (NDI)said in an e-mailed statement that the raid took place on its offices in Cairo, Alexandria and Assiut, from where police confiscated equipment and documents.

"Cracking down on organizations whose sole purpose is to support the democratic process during Egypt's historic transition sends a disturbing signal," NDI President Kenneth Wollack was quoted as saying.

One person working at NDI, who gave her name as Rawda, said: "They are grabbing all the papers and laptops."

A Reuters television reporter who approached the offices of the International Republican Institute (IRI) in central Cairo found the doors sealed shut with wax and saw several police vehicles driving away from the area.

The NDI and IRI, which are loosely associated with the U.S. Democratic and Republican political parties and receive U.S. government funding, say they take a neutral political stance, fostering democracy in Egypt by training members of nascent parties in democratic processes.


Other groups that were raided included U.S.-based Freedom House and local groups set up to defend judicial independence, individual freedoms and democracy, according to the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.

"This looks like a campaign against human rights defenders," said prominent Egyptian rights activist Negad al-Borai. He said similar campaigns happened during Mubarak's three-decade rule.

"For this to happen after what we call the 'revolution', I am astonished."

Egypt's military has vowed to investigate how pro-democracy and rights organizations are funded and has said repeatedly it will not tolerate foreign interference in the country's affairs.

Egyptian presidential hopeful and former U.N. nuclear watchdog head Mohamed ElBaradei said: "Human rights organizations are the icon of freedom ... Everyone will be watching closely any illegal attempts to distort them. The revolution will prevail."

(Additional reporting by Yasmine Saleh and Patrick Werr; Christian Ruettger in Berlin; and Andrew Quinn in Washington; Writing by Tom Pfeiffer; Editing by Myra MacDonald)


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Venezuela's Chavez: did US give Latin American leaders cancer?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speculated on Wednesday that the United States might have developed a way to give Latin American leaders cancer, after Argentina's Cristina Fernandez joined the list of presidents diagnosed with the disease.

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It was a typically controversial statement by Venezuela's socialist leader, who underwent surgery in June to remove a tumor from his pelvis. But he stressed that he was not making any accusations, just thinking aloud.

"It would not be strange if they had developed the technology to induce cancer and nobody knew about it until now ... I don't know. I'm just reflecting," he said in a televised speech to troops at a military base.

"But this is very, very, very strange ... it's a bit difficult to explain this, to reason it, including using the law of probabilities."

Chavez, Fernandez, Paraguay's Fernando Lugo, Brazil's Dilma Rousseff and former Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva have all been diagnosed recently with cancer. All of them are leftists.

Doctors say Fernandez has a very good chance of recovery and will not need chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Her diagnosis was made public on Tuesday.

Chavez said other regional leaders should beware, including his close ally, Bolivian President Evo Morales.

"We'll have to take good care of Evo. Take care Evo!" he said.

The 57-year-old is Latin America's loudest critic of U.S. foreign policy along with Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro, and he frequently lashes out at what he calls the "Yankee Empire".


"Fidel always told me, 'Chavez take care. These people have developed technology. You are very careless. Take care what you eat, what they give you to eat ... a little needle and they inject you with I don't know what,'" he said.

In his comments on Wednesday, Chavez also slammed Washington and its European allies for criticizing Russia's recent parliamentary elections - and said they were planning the same thing for Venezuela's presidential election in October, when he will seek re-election.

"They are crying fraud and saying the elections need to be re-run ... They're trying to destabilize no less than Russia, a nuclear power. That's the madness of the Empire," Chavez said.

"I say this because here in Venezuela, the Imperial Yankee, the local bourgeoisie, and a good part of what they call the opposition parties here, are preparing a similar plan," he said.

"I call on the armed forces to be alert, on the Venezuelan people to be alert. Because we are not going to let the Imperial Yankee destabilize Venezuela again like they did in the past."

Details about Chavez's health remain a closely guarded secret, although he now appears to be recovering and is making longer and longer televised appearances.

Earlier this month he made his first official foreign trip after his surgery, to a regional summit in Uruguay.

Since his return he has often appeared sporting something of a younger, new look: a dark sports coat over an open-necked maroon shirt, and is hair is growing back after chemotherapy.

It is far cry from the green fatigues and red beret that he became famous for wearing for much of his 13 years in power. (Editing by Kieran Murray)

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

A-Rod fine after treatment on knee, shoulder (AP)

NEW YORK ? The New York Yankees say star third baseman Alex Rodriguez is totally fine after having special treatment on his right knee and left shoulder in Germany earlier this month.

The 36-year-old Rodriguez had plasma-rich platelet injections following a recommendation from Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant. Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said Wednesday that the team gave its permission after vetting the process.

Rodriguez's treatment was first reported by the New York Post.

Cashman says the therapy is in "complete compliance" with WADA and Major League Baseball regulations. He also said the treatment is performed in the United States. The Yankees say Rodriguez went to the doctor in Germany because he's at the top of this field.

Rodriguez had surgery on his right knee last July and saw his power drop in the second half and postseason. He played in 99 games and hit 16 home runs. He has 629 career homers.

Cashman says Rodriguez is "100 percent" right now and that there are "no red flags" going into spring training. Cashman says he expects Rodriguez to be able to play every day.

The Yankees also said they've reached agreement with 37-year-old lefty Hideki Okajima for a nonroster invite to spring training. Once a staple of the Boston bullpen, he spent most of last year in Triple-A for the Red Sox. The Yankees envision him as a possible lefty specialist.


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Man killed amid Britain's post-Christmas sales (AP)

LONDON ? A teenager was fatally stabbed and a second man wounded in attacks on London's most famous retail street as thousands of shoppers flocked to Britain's capital seeking post-Christmas bargains.

The killing of the 18-year-old man on Oxford Street on Monday ? and a second wounding in the same road ? did little to deter shoppers crowding into neighboring stores in the landmark shopping district. Bargain hunters were also largely untroubled by a subway strike which badly disrupted the city's public transport services.

Selfridges ? close to the scene of Monday's stabbing and one of Britain's most popular department stores ? reported its biggest ever first hour of trading Monday morning, while the New West End Company, which represents traders on central London's shopping streets, reported 15 million pounds (US$23.5 million) in sales in the first three hours of trading.

Jace Tyrrell, of the New West End Company, said hundreds of thousands of people had visited central London retailers, despite action by police to cordon off parts of Oxford Street and temporarily close some stores after the attacks.

"These incidents are extremely rare on Oxford Street and we understand arrests have been made," she said. "The emergency services were quick to respond and have cordoned off the street as they continue with their investigations. We are working to ensure the street is open to businesses and shoppers tomorrow."

Tyrrell said shopkeepers had requested a meeting with police to discuss the incidents. "We understand both incidents involved gangs of youth who were known to each other (and) the police, and did not involve individual shoppers," she said.

London's air ambulance helicopter had earlier rushed to the street following the fatal stabbing.

Authorities said the teenage victim died before medics could administer help, while amateur video footage showed police struggling to part large crowds of shopper to allow emergency vehicles to reach the man.

Police erected a tent outside a Foot Locker sports store as they carried out investigations and confirmed that about ten people had been arrested in connection with the death.

Officers said a second stabbing took place close by ? on the corner of Oxford Street and Regent Street ? but insisted it wasn't immediately known if the two incidents were linked.

Det. Chief Insp. Mark Dunne, of London's Metropolitan police, said two groups of young people appeared to have become involved in a large-scale altercation before the teenager's death.

Dunne said that little more was known about the circumstances, but there were likely to be large numbers of witnesses. "This is probably the busiest place in the United Kingdom right now, on the busiest shopping day," he told reporters at the scene.

"A number of weapons have been recovered from that scene ? whether I have got the murder weapon I don't know. There's an assortment of items, but no guns," he said.

In the second attack, a 21-year-old man was stabbed in the leg and is being treated at a hospital for his wound.

Police said in a statement that three men had been arrested, but it was "too early to say whether this incident is linked to a fatal stabbing on Oxford Street."

On London's subway network, the ASLEF train drivers' labor union staged a one-day strike to demand extra pay and additional time off for members working on the public holiday.

Despite the disruptions, huge crowds ? some lining up outside stores from midnight ? rushed into department stores in London and other British cities as soon as doors opened early Monday.

The London Underground, the organization that manages the subway system, condemned the move, saying it was pointless and demonstrated "a complete disregard for our customers." Authorities said extra buses were running in main shopping areas to cater to the increased flow of travelers on one of the year's busiest shopping days.

The ASLEF union has warned it plans to stage three more strikes in January and February if the dispute is not resolved.


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Resolved question

Convert from Vista Home Premium to Windows 7

by BB4ALL - 12/25/11 5:54 AM

I am in a quandary and need some advice. I want to upgrade my present Vista 32 bit Home Edition to the Windows 7 Home Edition 32 bit. I already conformed with the windows advisor that my system is ready for the Windows 7 upgrade, but I see that there are two options that I can purchase Windows 7 Home Edition and Windows 7 Home Edition N. Can you tell me the difference between the two and will it be beneficial for me to upgrade. I have had nothing but trouble trying to install Windows Office 2010 over the trial Windows Office 2007 recently and this is still not working properly despite contacting MS Store for advice. Why don't MS offer programs that can be directly downloaded from their site and will operate correctly after installation. I didn't know that a complete uninstall of Office 2007 was necessary before installing 2010 and I don't want a repeat performance in the change over to Windows 7. Any help would be much appreciated.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas To All From Cancer Defeated

I feel that on this day we should pause for a moment from figuring out ways to beat cancer, and just enjoy the blessings of the season. I hope the blessings are abundant for you and those you love, whatever faith you practice or holy days you celebrate.

This is also a good time to thank you for reading our publications and supporting our work. Our mission is to relieve people's suffering. It's as simple as that ? simple to say, but not simple to do. It's certainly not free.

Your dollars make it possible for us to research and write the books and articles we publish, get them printed, travel to Europe, Mexico or elsewhere as needed to interview doctors and get more information ? to do all the things we need to do to bring the best cancer treatments to you. It takes around four months of full-time work for a highly qualified writer to create one of our Special Reports. The full-length books, of course, take much longer.

We have three highly qualified technical people on our staff just to solve the myriad problems of publishing and distributing on the Internet. You would be amazed (I am, every day) at how complicated it is.

By my count, about ten people earn their primary living from Cancer Defeated Publications and about ten more earn a large chunk of their living from it. Many have children to support and mortgages to pay. We're mindful every day of what a blessing you are in our lives.

Let me introduce you to our staff. . .

Sherry Finn is my partner and a valued advisor to everyone in this venture. Her innate kindness, modesty and truthfulness inspire the whole staff to a higher standard. Sherry lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

Joe Ackerson works with me in our Virginia headquarters. He's my personal assistant, the company's bookkeeper, the fulfillment manager who makes sure you get your books or reports if you order a printed copy. . .and more.

Joe's lovely wife Mia helps us pack a book now and then as needed (and also cooks me treats!)

Cami Lemr, near Atlanta, has been with Cancer Defeated from the beginning ? six years. She started out packing and shipping books and reports for us. Now she answers all our customer service emails and also proofreads for us, so that our material doesn't arrive in your inbox full of misspellings and other bloopers. Cami is Joe's sister.

Jenessa Hansford, packs and ships books for us, as do the happily married Ken and Joanie Kurpik. All three live in Virginia.

Milli Hare, in Virginia, fields phone calls from customers (but we prefer that you email if you have a problem!)

Shelley Couillard, in Florida, plunges into the scary jungle of our computer system every day and creates the labels we use to ship books and reports to customers.

Our technology experts

Michelle Mato is our Information Technology Advisor and the person we count on to keep us up and running on the Internet. Michelle has been with us from the beginning and has been one of the key people who helped build the organization. She lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

Steve MacLellan, in Nova Scotia, Canada, is our Webmaster. That means he's our nuts and bolts expert on computer programming, websites and order-taking processes. Steve designs our newsletters and makes sure they go out on time.

David Dittman lives in Alabama and is the newest member of our technical team. David brings our group a very broad and deep knowledge of computer programming and web publishing. He's worked with some of the top people in the business.

Turning now to our talented writing staff. . .

Three freelance writers help me get out the two newsletters we publish every week: Mindy McHorse in New Mexico, Carol Parks in Michigan, and Roz Roscoe in Georgia. The newsletter wouldn't exist without them. Even with the four of us, it's almost too much work to keep up with!

Susan Clark, a freelance writer in Orange County, California, wrote two of our special reports plus a great deal of our advertising. She also gives us all kinds of good advice on what's most likely to interest our readers. Susan's husband Kevin shoots the videos you receive from us every now and then.

Andrew Scholberg is a freelance writer who lives in Chicago. If you've ever purchased a special report from us, chances are pretty good it was written by Andy! Andy has been with Cancer Defeated Publications from the beginning and I'm not sure we would have succeeded without him. He's our expert on alternative cancer clinics, having visited and written about those in the United States, Mexico, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

And marketing experts, without whom
you'd never hear of our publications. . .

Shane Holley is an expert Internet marketer who's helping us develop a new, pioneering way of reaching people with information about alternative cancer treatments. Shane lives in Alabama.

Tony Cornish is another charter member of Cancer Defeated. His wise counsel helped get us started when we knew almost nothing about Internet publishing. He's an expert on getting readers to open their minds and hearts to new information -- instead of hitting "delete." Tony lives in the Washington, DC area.

Josh Doherty joined us last summer to help us find our way in a specialized area of marketing. We're hoping Josh's efforts will spread the word about alternative cancer treatment to thousands of people we can't reach now. Josh lives in upstate New York.

Anne Caballero helps us out with a wide range of tasks including proof-reading, fact-checking, and creating marketing reports. Anne lives in the South Bay area of Los Angeles.

To all of these hard-working people, many thanks ? and have a blessed and joyous Christmas! You deserve it. I don't know how many people's lives have been saved by Cancer Defeated. But I suspect it's quite a few.

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler,
Editor & Publisher

Online Publishing and Marketing


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hornets coach: May take awhile for Ayon to adjust

Published: Saturday, December 24, 2011 at 6:01 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, December 23, 2011 at 6:34 p.m.

WESTWEGO ? The Hornets signed forward Gustavo Ayon on Friday, beefing up the team's interior three days before the regular season begins.

Coach Monty Williams, however, isn't sure exactly what the 6-foot-10, 245-pound player from Mexico will bring from his time playing in Spain's top division.

Ayon, 26, will become only the third Mexican-born player in NBA history, but because he speaks very little English, Williams said it might take awhile to acclimate to league's language.

"Being real about it, anytime you don't speak English well, you're certainly going to have a problem with basketball jargon," Williams said. "If I said three or four things about our team in our language, Trevor (Ariza) and (Jarrett) Jack know exactly what I'm talking about. He may look at me like, ?OK coach.' I think it's going to take awhile to start to pick up basketball NBA language."

Ayon's agent Emilio Duran agreed, speaking for and translating to English for the newly-acquired player.

"It's going to take time," Duran said for Ayon. "Obviously it's a big change for him. It's going to take a period of adaptation to the league, to the culture, to everything. Once he's settled, eventually he's going to try to improve every day and do the best for the team."

Ayon worked out with the Hornets during a June free-agent camp and said he chose New Orleans because of the relationship he had built with general manager Dell Demps over the past few months.

In 10 games this season with Fuenlabrada in Spain, Ayon averaged 15.9 points on 65.7 percent shooting to go with 8.2 rebounds. He earned the league's MVP award for November.

Williams believes Ayon to be a versatile player who can pass, but because he hasn't seen him against NBA-caliber players, he's unsure how he'll fit in.

Through Duran, Ayon said basketball in Spain is "rich tactically," which stands is different to basketball in the NBA.

"In contrast, here the biggest difference is the physicality of the players and the athleticism," Ayon said.

Said Williams, "I think he can do a number of things but we don't know if he can do against this caliber of player. That's what we're anxious to see."

For now, the Hornets are set at center with Chris Kaman (7-0) and Emeka Okafor (6-10) and at power forward with Carl Landry (6-9) and Jason Smith (7-0).

But even before New Orleans fell to the Lakers in the first-round of the Western Conference playoffs, Williams said the front office realized the team need to bulk up near the basket.

"Playing Emeka and David (West) high minutes last year showed us that we needed some more beef down low," Williams said. "Dell has addressed those issues for sure. Now, whether or not we can compete at a high level with the bigs we have, we'll have to wait and see.

Ayon joins Horacio Llamas and current Charlotte Bobcat Eduardo Najera as the only Mexican-born players in the NBA says it might take awhile to acclimate to league's language.


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Monday, December 26, 2011

Refurb Apple AirPort Extreme 802.11n Base Station for $60 + free shipping

CowBoom offers the refurbished Apple AirPort Extreme 802.11n Dual Band Wireless-N Base Station, model no. MC340LL/A, for $59.99 with free shipping. That's $20 under our mention from Cyber Monday week and the best price we've ever seen. (It's also a current price low for a refurb by $55.) Sales tax is added where applicable. This 802.11n wireless 3-port router has a USB port for sharing a printer or hard drive and works on both 802.11g and 802.11n frequencies simultaneously.

Note: No warranty information is provided.


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Obama?s DOJ Strikes a Blow (Powerlineblog)

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Robert De Niro Welcomes A Baby Girl

Actor Robert De Niro is a dad again at age 68. Yep he and his wife announced they have welcomed a baby girl. Via a surrogate Robert De Niro and wife actress/singer Grace Hightower 56 years old, are now the proud parents of a baby girl, Helen Grace Hightower. Their new daughter joins big brother Eliot who is 13 years old. The little girl is apparently doing just fine. She weighed in at a healthy 7 pounds and 2 ounces. Robert and Grace have been married since 1997, however they separated in 1999 but their divorce was never finalized. In 2004 the couple renewed their vows and have been happily married since then. Little Helen is the sixth child for the Academy Award winning actor who has four other children. He has a son Raphael from his first marriage to Diahnne Abbott. Robert also adopted Diahnne?s daughter Drena from a previous relationship. Then there are his 16-year old twin boys Julian and Henry from his relationship with Toukie Smith. Well it certainly seems that De Niro and his family have even more reason to celebrate this holiday season with the addition of their new baby girl. What a great Christmas [...]


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Video: Kraft Split a 'Value-Enhancing' Endeavor

Kraft is trading near a 52-week high and has outperformed the broader markets. Erin Lash, Morningstar sr. stock analyst, says that when the company announced it was going to split the snack and grocery businesses, that was a value-enhancing endeavor.


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Harper uses Menorah lighting to reaffirm Canada's support for Israel

CALGARY - Prime Minister Stephen Harper reaffirmed his government's ongoing support for Israel at a Menorah lighting in his Calgary riding Thursday night.

Harper and his wife Laureen were greeted by hundreds of cheering supporters at the Calgary Jewish Community Centre as part of the celebration of Hanukkah.

"We unfortunately look around the world and ... don't forget about the terrible trials and threats that the Jewish people still face in so many countries including in the homeland, the state of Israel," said Harper, who wore a traditional yarmulke.

"That's something we always remember, we always make sure as a government that we make it clear we stand by the Jewish people and we stand by Israel."

Harper drew a few chuckles when he talked about his long history of participating in Hanukkah celebrations, saying it began with his father.

"My late father always said as a Christian, never forget about the Jewish people at Christmas."

The president of the Calgary Jewish Federation welcomed Harper's presence and his government's ongoing support. In the audience were Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney and federal Status of Women Minister Rona Ambrose.

"I thank you on behalf of Calgary's Jewish community and for your government's steadfast support of the state of Israel and its people," said Adam Singer.

"Your government has consistently upheld Israel's right to defend itself, supported Israel's right to exist and urged the release of Israel's captive soldiers.

"We appreciate and admire the conscientious positions your government has taken on many occasions and in many places."

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Could Your Next Phone Have Intel Inside? (Mashable)

Intel has been dying to get its chips into mobile devices for a long time. Almost all phones and tablets today have processors based on the designs of U.K.-based ARM. Now Intel hopes to start chipping away (ouch!) at ARM's near-total market share with a new kind of processor called Medfield. Although the 32-nanometer Medfield chips have been in the works for a while, Intel recently showed off prototypes that use the processor to Technology Review. The company also hyped Medfield in a presentation at a technology conference, revealing some performance benchmarks.

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Intel is mainly known for designing chips that emphasize performance over power efficiency. In other words, their processors have great specs, but they'll suck a phone's battery dry before lunchtime. Intel's tried to make inroads into mobile with its Atom line of processors, which Medfield is a part of, but hasn't had much luck.

Medfield is supposed to change all that. One of the problems Atom has had is that the chips aren't single system-on-a-chip (SoC) solutions, so they were never be as compact or as efficient as ARM's designs. Medfield, however, is an SoC design to meet the low-power needs of phones and tablets.

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Now Intel is showing the world just what Medfield can do. The company built a prototype Android smartphone powered by Medfield. About the size of an iPhone 4S but lighter, the phone is said to have fast Web browsing and a "burst mode" for its camera that can capture 15 stills per second, each at 8-megapixels.

In Intel's presentation on Medfield, it said its "reference design" of a Medfield smartphone has best-in-class performance for Web browsing and graphics. (See the slide below.) For final products, however, a lot depends on the manufacturer's implementation.

And of course right now there are no Medfield products, and very few mobile devices with Intel inside. Intel will be showing off its Medfield prototypes at CES in the hope of attracting some interest from manufacturers and partners. Mashable will be there to give our verdict as well.

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bond manager Gundlach sees debt crescendo: report (Reuters)

LONDON (Reuters) ? Expectations of a swift economic recovery in 2012 are premature, with the sovereign debt crisis in Europe likely to reach a "crescendo" in 2012, DoubleLine Capital chief executive Jeffrey Gundlach said in an interview published on Thursday.

"I've a really hard time with the argument the economy's about to go into some wonderful land of 5 percent GDP growth", Gundlach said according to the Financial Times.

Gundlach pointed to Europe with "its banking system and obviously unserviceable debt" and U.S. government finances as "twin towers of risk," the newspaper reported.

"People who are looking for an explosion in bond yields on a better economy are thinking that somehow the world is still in 1995, where we have moderate economic growth, low inflation, stable tax policy and people getting along," the paper reported Gundlach as saying.

Dubbed "King of Bonds" by Barron's weekly earlier this year, Gundlach is chief executive of U.S. asset management firm DoubleLine Capital, which has amassed about $16 billion since Gundlach started the firm in January 2010.

(Reporting By Alessandra Prentice; Editing by Gary Hill)


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Apple Fanboys Were Douchebags in the '80s Too [Apple]

One could argue that everyone in the 80s dressed like total douchebags. That's probably true. I'm guilty of that (thanks mom!). But you can also argue that Apple users wearing Apple gear looked extra-douchebaggy with vagina cleaning foam on top. More »


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A device attempts to elevate the iPad's keyboard (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? Even if you love the iPad, you're probably not keen to write your next novel using its on-screen virtual keyboard. You may not be thrilled to type up a lengthy email with it, either.

Steve Isaac felt the same way. A Seattle-based software designer who worked on an early tablet at computing startup Go in the `90s, Isaac was delighted when the iPad came out last year. He loved its svelteness, battery life and wireless connectivity.

"The iPad was amazing," he says. "It just did everything super, super well."

Well, almost everything. Though its touch-screen keyboard was miles ahead of what he'd seen on past tablets, he felt it still wasn't great for typing. And wireless keyboards that work via Bluetooth seemed too bulky.

So Isaac got to work on a way to make the iPad easier to type on ? a stretchy silicone keyboard called the TouchFire that sits atop the tablet's on-screen keyboard when the device is turned on its side.

Isaac isn't unique in coming up with this type of device, but his invention has garnered an intense amount of support through Kickstarter ? a website where entrepreneurs and artists solicit funding for their projects and often give rewards in exchange, such as a limited-edition poster or first version of a product.

In Isaac's case, he turned to the site to raise money to turn his prototype into a real device, offering the first run of TouchFires to Kickstarter backers. His effort raised $201,400 by the time it ended last week. That was more than 20 times the $10,000 that he and his business partner had hoped to snag.

The TouchFire's birth as a consumer product shows the growing importance of sites such as Kickstarter. They offer a new way to finance bright ideas and usher them to the masses. Kickstarter visitors can search through a bevy of proposals for everything from graphic novels to consumer electronics, coming from creators who must meet their stated funding goal in a specified period of time in order to actually use the money.

About 45 percent of the projects meet or exceed their goals, Kickstarter said. This year, site visitors pledged about $79 million to projects that either succeeded, including Isaac's, or were still in the process of soliciting funds.

The response to the TouchFire in particular indicates that, despite the tough economy, people are interested in shelling out for ideas they believe in ? something that benefits both consumers and entrepreneurs.

"It sure makes us feel very good about the potential for this project and the demand for this project," Isaac says.

It's validation for a year and a half's worth of work. Not long after the iPad came out in April 2010, Isaac started fashioning prototypes by cutting up transparent silicone laptop keyboard covers (the kind you use to protect a laptop's keyboard from dirt) and thin sheets of silicone.

He had a number of stipulations for the TouchFire: It should somehow work with the iPad's existing on-screen keyboard and have springy "keys" that you could actually feel. It had to be small, light and unobtrusive. It needed to respond to your finger taps, but, as on a hardware keyboard, be insensitive enough that you could rest your fingers on the keys without triggering the typing of random letters.

Last September, he connected with Brad Melmon, an industrial designer who was also based in Seattle. The duo refined Isaac's original idea and created the TouchFire company together.

A TouchFire prototype Isaac recently brought to The Associated Press' San Francisco office looked deceptively simple. On the surface, it appeared to be just a flexible keyboard cover with some rigid plastic on the sides.

But a closer look revealed small bumps on the underside of the keypad's silicone keys ? bumps that provide typing fingers with the proper amount of resistance. Magnets on the sides and the bottom adhere it to the magnetic portions of the face of the iPad 2, allowing it to sit right on top of the on-screen virtual keyboard without sliding around. If you use the original iPad, a non-slip layer on the bottom of the TouchFire helps keep it in place.

Typing with it was fairly comfortable, though it would take some getting used to its squishy feel (a more apt name might be SquishyType).

Creating a functional prototype like this was just the first step, though. Isaac and Melmon needed funding to make their idea into a consumer product. So after briefly looking for outside investors, they turned to Kickstarter in October.

Not every idea makes it through KickStarter's application process, which is required before you can start seeking funds through the site. The TouchFire was initially rejected ? Isaac suspects their pitch wasn't demonstrative enough. But after adding a video that showed it in action, KickStarter approved the application and added it to the site on Oct. 20.

Isaac and Melmon hoped to raise $10,000 by the campaign's Dec. 13 deadline by offering a TouchFire to anyone who pledged at least $45 ? about the same price they eventually hope to sell them at in stores.

This wasn't a problem. By the fifth day of their Kickstarter campaign, they reached their goal. In the final seven days, the project had snagged more than $167,000 in funding. Isaac says he now expects to ship more than 5,000 TouchFires to Kickstarter backers.

Marci Liroff is one of the excited buyers. Liroff, a Los Angeles-based casting director and producer who successfully funded one of her own films through Kickstarter, uses an iPad for nearly everything. But she turns to a laptop if she wants to write more than a simple email ? she finds it too difficult to do so on the iPad. Liroff hopes the TouchFire changes that (and she jokes that if it does, she'll never have to leave the couch again).

"I just thought it was a really brilliant idea," she says.

Not everyone is convinced, though. Gartner Research analyst Ken Dulaney is skeptical that the TouchFire will appeal to the masses, saying it doesn't really seem different from the scads of wireless keyboards already available for the tablet.

"I can tell you, you just need to go down the Apple Store to see how littered the market is for keyboards for iPads," he says.

Indeed, there are tons of options available to iPad users, from cases with built-in keyboards to stand-alone keyboards that sit next to the iPad.

Isaac is optimistic, though. He and Melmon are deciding on a manufacturer to make the device, and Isaac said they're likely to ship the TouchFires to donors in January. After that, they hope to make the devices available for sale as soon as possible.


Rachel Metz can be found on Twitter at


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Japan PM says tsunami-hit nuclear plant is stable

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks during a press conference at his official residence in Tokyo Friday, Dec. 16, 2011. The tsunami-devastated Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant has reached a stable state of "cold shutdown" and is no longer leaking substantial amounts of radiation, Noda announced, marking a milestone nine months after the March 11 tsunami sent three reactors at the plant into meltdowns in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks during a press conference at his official residence in Tokyo Friday, Dec. 16, 2011. The tsunami-devastated Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant has reached a stable state of "cold shutdown" and is no longer leaking substantial amounts of radiation, Noda announced, marking a milestone nine months after the March 11 tsunami sent three reactors at the plant into meltdowns in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks during a press conference at his official residence in Tokyo Friday, Dec. 16, 2011. The tsunami-devastated Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant has reached a stable state of "cold shutdown" and is no longer leaking substantial amounts of radiation, Noda announced, marking a milestone nine months after the March 11 tsunami sent three reactors at the plant into meltdowns in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks during a press conference at his official residence in Tokyo Friday, Dec. 16, 2011. The tsunami-devastated Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant has reached a stable state of "cold shutdown" and is no longer leaking substantial amounts of radiation, Noda announced, marking a milestone nine months after the March 11 tsunami sent three reactors at the plant into meltdowns in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. (AP Photo/Hiro Komae)

FILE - In this Dec. 4, 2011 file photo released by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), water leakage is shown from a purification device at the tsunami-damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuma town, Fukushima prefecture, north of Tokyo. The nuclear power plant leaked about 45 tons of highly radioactive water from the purification device over the weekend, its operator said, and some may have drained into the ocean. (AP Photo/Tokyo Electric Power Co., File) EDITORIAL USE ONLY

The Unit 4 reactor building of the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station is seen through a bus window in Okuma, Japan, when the media were allowed into Japan's tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant for the first time since the March 11 disaster. Japan is poised to declare its crippled nuclear plant virtually stable nine months after a devastating tsunami, but the facility still leaks some radiation, remains vulnerable to earthquakes and shows no prospect for cleanup for decades. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder, Pool, File)

(AP) ? Japan's prime minister announced Friday that the country's tsunami-damaged nuclear plant has achieved a stable state of "cold shutdown," a crucial step toward the eventual lifting of evacuation orders and closing of the plant.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's announcement was intended to reassure the nation that significant progress has been made in the nine months since the March 11 tsunami sent three reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant into meltdowns in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986.

But experts say the plant 140 miles (230 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo remains vulnerable to problems and its surroundings are contaminated by radiation and closing the plant safely will take 30 or more years.

"The reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant have reached a state of cold shutdown," Noda said. "Now that we have achieved stability in the reactors, a major concern for the nation has been resolved."

Radiation released from the plant has been significantly reduced and additional safety steps installed at the plant ensure safety even in the event of another major disaster, he said.

Noda said he hopes conditions will improve quickly so that the people who have been displaced by the crisis can return home "even a day sooner."

"There are many issues that remain," Noda said. "Our battle is not over."

The government's official endorsement of the claim by Tokyo Electric Power Co. that the reactors have reached cold shutdown status is a necessary step toward revising evacuation zones around the plant and focusing efforts from simply stabilizing the facility to actually starting the arduous process of shutting it down.

But Noda acknowledged the assessment has some important caveats.

The government says Fukushima Dai-ichi has reached cold shutdown "conditions"? a cautious phrasing reflecting the fact that TEPCO cannot measure temperatures of melted fuel in the damaged reactors in the same way as with normally functioning ones.

Even so, the announcement marks the end of the second phase of the government's lengthy roadmap to completely decommission the plant.

Officials can now start discussing whether to allow some evacuees to return to less-contaminated areas ? although a 12-mile (20-kilometer) zone around the plant is expected to remain off limits for years to come. The crisis displaced some 100,000 people.

"We hope this will be a step toward allowing our residents to return home, but the road ahead is long and difficult," Fukushima Gov. Yuhei Sato told reporters.

Noda said the government will step up decontamination efforts and will ready 1 trillion yen ($12.8 billion) for urgently needed projects next year. He also said 30,000 workers will be trained.

A cold shutdown normally means a nuclear reactor's coolant system is at atmospheric pressure and its reactor core is at a temperature below 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius), making it impossible for a chain reaction to take place.

According to TEPCO, temperature gauges inside the Fukushima reactors show the pressure vessel is at around 70 C (158 F). The government also says the amount of radiation now being released around the plant is at or below 1 millisievert per year ? equivalent to the annual legal exposure limit for ordinary citizens before the crisis began.

Yet, the complex still faces numerous concerns. Nobody knows where exactly and how the melted fuel ended up in each reactor, and the plant is struggling with the vast amount of radioactive water that has collected in the reactor basements and nearby storage areas.

TEPCO President Toshio Nishizawa apologized for the accident, and vowed to further stabilize the plant and reduce its radiation release until the operator finally put it to a close.

Akira Yamaguchi, a nuclear physicist at Osaka University, said that the government's definition of cold shutdown is disputable.

"But what's most important right now is that there aren't any massive radiation leaks any more," he said.

Putting longer-term issues aside, he warned that much of the backup equipment installed at the plant since the crisis began is makeshift and may break down. He said winter cold could test their strength.


Associated Press writer Eric Talmadge contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Encore's Jerry Lewis documentary is must-see for fans (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? It's light on biographical details, but Encore's documentary "Method to the Madness of Jerry Lewis" is a must-see for Lewis fans who want to hear from a who's who of the comedy world about how Lewis inspired them.

Eddie Murphy, who starred in a remake of "The Nutty Professor," is nearly giddy when he talks about Lewis' comedy techniques. Jerry Seinfeld calls Lewis the "diamond of comedy" and says the decision by Lewis and former comedy partner Dean Martin to end their collaboration while they were hot inspired him to end "Seinfeld" in the "moment before, not the moment after."

Celebrities like Carol Burnett, Billy Crystal, Quentin Tarantino, Richard Lewis, Carl Reiner, John Landis and Lewis' pal Richard Belzer also chime in. Burnett says Lewis was sexy -- when he wasn't doing his "Hey, lady!" routine.

The Lewis-produced documentary doesn't go into any detail, or even mention, the star's work with the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Though it ended badly, it remains one of his life's biggest accomplishments, as he helped raise billions of dollars for the charity. And except for Lewis' brief and interesting recollection of joining his parents' stage act as a five-year-old in a tuxedo, details on his early years are also sparse.

But the abundance of testimony to his comic genius is matched with a plethora of clips from his greatest performances, including the classic "Who's Minding the Store?" typewriter scene, a clip Burnett says she could watch on a loop.

"Method to the Madness of Jerry Lewis" premieres Saturday at 8/7c on Encore. To get viewers in a Lewis state of mind, Encore is airing a mini-marathon of his movies before the documentary's premiere, beginning with "The Bellboy" at 1:50 p.m., and including "The Errand Boy," "The Geisha Boy" and "The Ladies Man."


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income

Chart shows the percentage of people by ratio of Income and resources to poverty threshold

Chart shows the percentage of people by ratio of Income and resources to poverty threshold

(AP) ? Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans ? nearly 1 in 2 ? have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income.

The latest census data depict a middle class that's shrinking as unemployment stays high and the government's safety net frays. The new numbers follow years of stagnating wages for the middle class that have hurt millions of workers and families.

"Safety net programs such as food stamps and tax credits kept poverty from rising even higher in 2010, but for many low-income families with work-related and medical expenses, they are considered too 'rich' to qualify," said Sheldon Danziger, a University of Michigan public policy professor who specializes in poverty.

"The reality is that prospects for the poor and the near poor are dismal," he said. "If Congress and the states make further cuts, we can expect the number of poor and low-income families to rise for the next several years."

Congressional Republicans and Democrats are sparring over legislation that would renew a Social Security payroll tax reduction, part of a year-end political showdown over economic priorities that could also trim unemployment benefits, freeze federal pay and reduce entitlement spending.

Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, questioned whether some people classified as poor or low-income actually suffer material hardship. He said that while safety-net programs have helped many Americans, they have gone too far. He said some people described as poor live in decent-size homes, drive cars and own wide-screen TVs.

"There's no doubt the recession has thrown a lot of people out of work and incomes have fallen," Rector said. "As we come out of recession, it will be important that these programs promote self-sufficiency rather than dependence and encourage people to look for work."

Mayors in 29 cities say more than 1 in 4 people needing emergency food assistance did not receive it. Many formerly middle-class Americans are dropping below the low-income threshold ? roughly $45,000 for a family of four ? because of pay cuts, a forced reduction of work hours or a spouse losing a job.

States in the South and West had the highest shares of low-income families, including Arizona, New Mexico and South Carolina, which have scaled back or eliminated aid programs for the needy. By raw numbers, such families were most numerous in California and Texas, each with more than 1 million.

The struggling Americans include Zenobia Bechtol, 18, in Austin, Texas, who earns minimum wage as a part-time pizza delivery driver. Bechtol and her 7-month-old baby were recently evicted from their bedbug-infested apartment after her boyfriend, an electrician, lost his job in the sluggish economy.

After an 18-month job search, Bechtol's boyfriend now works as a waiter and the family of three is temporarily living with her mother.

"We're paying my mom $200 a month for rent, and after diapers and formula and gas for work, we barely have enough money to spend," said Bechtol, a high school graduate who wants to go to college. "If it weren't for food stamps and other government money for families who need help, we wouldn't have been able to survive."

About 97.3 million Americans fall into a low-income category, commonly defined as those earning between 100 and 199 percent of the poverty level, based on a new supplemental measure by the Census Bureau that is designed to provide a fuller picture of poverty. Together with the 49.1 million who fall below the poverty line and are counted as poor, they number 146.4 million, or 48 percent of the U.S. population. That's up by 4 million from 2009, the earliest numbers for the newly developed poverty measure.

The new measure of poverty takes into account medical, commuting and other living costs as well as taxes. Doing that pushed the number of people below 200 percent of the poverty level up from the 104 million, or 1 in 3 Americans, that was officially reported in September.

Broken down by age, children were most likely to be poor or low-income ? about 57 percent ? followed by seniors 65 and over. By race and ethnicity, Hispanics topped the list at 73 percent, followed by blacks, Asians and non-Hispanic whites.

Even by traditional measures, many working families are hurting.

Following the recession that began in late 2007, the share of working families who are low income has risen for three straight years to 31.2 percent, or 10.2 million. That proportion is the highest in at least a decade, up from 27 percent in 2002, according to a new analysis by the Working Poor Families Project and the Population Reference Bureau, a nonprofit research group based in Washington.

Among low-income families, about one-third were considered poor while the remainder ? 6.9 million ? earned income just above the poverty line. Many states phase out eligibility for food stamps, Medicaid, tax credit and other government aid programs for low-income Americans as they approach 200 percent of the poverty level.

The majority of low-income families ? 62 percent ? spent more than one-third of their earnings on housing, surpassing a common guideline for what is considered affordable. By some census surveys, child-care costs consume close to another one-fifth when a mother works.

Paychecks for low-income families are shrinking. The inflation-adjusted average earnings for the bottom 20 percent of families have fallen from $16,788 in 1979 to just under $15,000, and earnings for the next 20 percent have remained flat at $37,000. In contrast, higher-income brackets had significant wage growth since 1979, with earnings for the top 5 percent of families climbing 64 percent to more than $313,000.

A survey of 29 cities conducted by the U.S. Conference of Mayors released Thursday points to a gloomy outlook for those on the lower end of the income scale.

Many mayors cited the challenges of meeting increased demands for food assistance, expressing particular concern about possible cuts to federal programs such as food stamps and WIC, which assists low-income pregnant women and mothers. Unemployment led the list of causes of hunger in cities, followed by poverty, low wages and high housing costs.

Across the 29 cities, about 27 percent of people needing emergency food aid did not receive it. Kansas City, Mo.; Nashville, Tenn.; Sacramento, Calif.; and Trenton, N.J., were among the cities that pointed to increases in the cost of food and declining food donations. Mayor Michael McGinn in Seattle cited an unexpected spike in food requests from immigrants and refugees, particularly from Somalia, Burma and Bhutan.

Among those requesting emergency food assistance, 51 percent were in families, 26 percent were employed, 19 percent were elderly and 11 percent were homeless.

"People who never thought they would need food are in need of help," said Mayor Sly James of Kansas City, Mo., who co-chairs a mayors' task force on hunger and homelessness.



Census Bureau:

U.S. Conference of Mayors:

Associated Press


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